The evolution of gambling that has led to the growth of online casino can be traced back to the 1990s It was then when people started getting interested in online gambling platforms.The first countries which legalized online gambling were Barbuda and Antigua.Ever since then small online gambling casinos began to develop.
In 1994 the Microgaming which is gambling software service provider was founded, since then, it has become the favorite online casino site for the applications needs and software.this company has faced a lot of competition, but it still operates to date.
The online casinos has lately improved and introduced a variety of features that were not there before to give people more freedom to pick on games they would like to gamble.
Technology advancement(internet) has significantly led to the growth of online casino industry, and this is because it has made it possible for people to access casino via internet connection without having to physically go to a town to access the casino.